10 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

Stephanie Horning
3 min readDec 11, 2020

Ah, what a year its been. Give yourself (and others that surround you) the gift of feeling good in your body + energy field. Here are some ideas on how to raise your vibration and focus on some soul care.

  1. Be true. Let us not be so concerned with being right. Being right is a facade. Its a perception. Being true to you in this moment is what the world needs and yearns for. Free yourself from being right, wrong, in or out of agreement with others.
  2. De-stress with adaptogens. It is hard to uplift yourself when you are anxious and stressed. Support your body with herbs such as ashwagandha, holy basil, and cordyceps. These herbs help your body to adapt to stressors in your environment … they are actually pretty magical. You can drink these as tea, add to smoothies, or take in capsules. As always, do your own research and tap into your intuition to determine what is right for you!
  3. Take a break, reach for a laugh, and shift out a low vibration. Sometimes we just all need a break. Healing and looking at your personal pain + trauma is important AND exhausting. Sometimes you need a break to shift out of a low vibration. Don’t judge yourself for what you need. Heck, sometimes I just need a reality TV show to get myself laughing and forget about things for awhile if I just need some help shaking things off. Do what you need to to have gentle compassion for yourself and shift your energy.
  4. Create and share beauty. Send a card to a dear friend, share a lovely comment, raise and lift others up. We all are craving it right now. And, there are opportunities everywhere.
  5. Visualize yourself in a beautiful scenario. Imagine your highest self. Daydream and stop the hustle for a bit. Surrender, dear one!
  6. Utilize essential oils for detoxing your home + uplifting your mood. Essential oils are compacted power of plants and are basically nature’s medicine cabinet brought to your home. Grab this starter kit or this holiday one and you get me as your mentor to support you in utilizing these amazing oils!
  7. Step into and connect with nature. Take a hike (no, not figuratively! I love having you here!), plant some seeds, stare at the beautiful sunset. Nature is our greatest healer and her beauty and truth is looking to lift us up.
  8. Cook at home. It doesn’t have to be fancy and don’t get all anxious with this suggestion just yet! Shifting into more ( Im not suggesting all or nothing here ) meals and beevrages at home gives you the opportunity to use higher quality + natural ingredients. This is a game changer. Little by little and with grace for yourself always.
  9. Give your worries to the universe. Allow and pray for the universe to take your grief off your shoulders. This has brought me instant relief time and time again when I remember to ask for universal + goddess support and help.
  10. Make space for yourself + self-care. For me its been early mornings where I can create a beautiful, cozy atmosphere for myself to feel cared for and held. Its the biggest shift maker I’ve experienced this year. Yours may feel good in the evening or heck my mom used to wake up in the middle of the night when we were little to get hers. Anywhere you can intentionally create space to care for your soul will be of exponential benefit.

Happy Holidays My Friends!



Stephanie Horning

energy x human design coach. ( 3/5 manifesting generator if you’re curious ) golden age + new paradigm embodiment. https://view.flodesk.com/pages/62a8ee4a3e1f4c